Know Your Position

Life is not a game, however you still need a strategy.

In the 2001 thriller crime movie “Training Day'“ staring Academy Award winner Denzel Washington and Actor Ethen Hawke. Both play the roles of two LAPD officers. Denzel a corrupt veteran officer name Alonzo Harris and Ethen Hawke named Jake Hoyt a rookie cop being trained by Harris. In one of the most intriguing scenes of the movie the two cops sit in Harris’s vehicle after Harris purposely murders a big-time drug lord Jake is refuting Harris’s prompting to remain silent about what he just witnessed. As they continue to dispute officer Harris yells out “this is chess not checkers!”

Totally disconnecting officer Harris’s abrupt declaration from the movie scene his statement speaks volumes. Many people allow the waves of life to overtake them because they have yet to find their position in life the role they were born to function in . You see, perspective is everything, how you view yourself, life, and others effect how you move in life. Although chess and checkers are both board games that require pieces to be moved, they require totally opposite strategies. Checkers don’t take much mental bandwidth, however with chess each piece has its own way of movement, and a skilled player enters the game with a precalculated plan. Life demands a lot from us, and it takes daily, monthly, and even yearly planning. Unlike checkers, you just cant skip over things in life and live haphazardly.

In life, each decision we make can be likened to a move in a game of chess. Just as in chess, our choices have consequences that can lead us down different paths. There are moments when we must sacrifice something valuable to gain an advantage, and times when we need to think several steps ahead to anticipate the future. Like pieces on a chessboard, people around us play various roles, each influencing the game in unique ways. And similar to how a game of chess can be unpredictable and require adaptability, life too is full of uncertainties and challenges that test our resilience and strategic thinking.

Understanding one's role in life is a profound journey that requires introspection and self-awareness. It involves recognizing one's strengths, passions, values, and purpose. By aligning these aspects with daily actions and decisions, an individual can navigate life with clarity and direction. Each person's role is unique and may evolve over time, influenced by experiences and growth. Embracing one's role in life provides a sense of fulfillment and authenticity, allowing for meaningful contributions to the world and personal satisfaction.

When comparing checker players to chess players, the key difference lies in the complexity and depth of strategic thinking required in each game. While checker players focus on immediate tactics and short-term planning within the constraints of the board, chess players engage in long-term strategy, considering multiple moves ahead and anticipating their opponent's moves. Chess demands foresight, creativity, and adaptability, making it a game of unparalleled depth and sophistication. In contrast, checkers is often seen as more straightforward and less mentally demanding, appealing to those who prefer a more immediate and tactical approach to gameplay. Investing time and effort in mastering chess can lead to enhanced critical thinking skills, strategic decision-making, and mental agility, setting chess players apart in their ability to navigate complex scenarios and outmaneuver their opponents on a grander scale.

Life is synonymous to a game board, what pieces do you use, chess or checkers?
